Templestay At Woljeongsa
The One Day of Meditation program at Woljeongsa Temple was an unforgettable experience. Over the course of two nights and three days, I joined students from 22 countries to explore the art of meditation, tea ceremonies, and Balwoo Gongyang, a traditional temple meal ritual. This cultural exchange allowed me to not only reflect on myself, but also connect with others from all over the world.

Speech Contest
On the final day, I participated in the 1st Munsu Youth Global Leader English Speech Contest and gave an English speech.
I gave a speech that incorporated my experiences during the program. The speech was acknowledged with the Creativity Award.
About The Program
In the summer of 2024, the Cultural Heritage Preservation Association partnered with Woljeongsa, a thousand-year-old Korean temple, to host this special cultural exchange program.
Students had to apply and were accepted through a selective process to become participants. The program consisted of understanding Korean Buddhism, exploring temple life and Buddhist practices, and participating in academic discussions with university faculty on Buddhism and Asian culture.
Through this exchange, I was able to take part in cross-cultural learning and gain a deeper understanding of Korea’s heritage.